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Reckless driving in Maryland work zones puts people at risk

On Behalf of | Aug 30, 2024 | MOTOR VEHICLE ACCIDENTS

Work zones along Maryland’s busy roadways can be incredibly dangerous for workers. One recent collision that led to a worker’s death has again brought this worrisome issue to the forefront.

Work zone penalties have increased, but drivers are still speeding

A crash that killed a 62-year-old road worker has again highlighted the dangers these workers face when they are on the job. They can come from on the job accidents and from passing vehicles. In this case, the worker was hit and killed by a dump track as it backed up and crashed into him. This is just one example of the myriad risks these workers face.

The number of work zone accidents with fatalities has remained steady in 2023 and 2024. There were 12 such deaths in 2023 and eight at the most recent count in 2024. Maryland has raised the fines for drivers who speed in work zones based on the Maryland Road Worker Protection Act. The fines for such a violation were doubled in June of 2024. The catalyst was a massive crash in 2023 in which six road workers lost their lives. The fines are set to rise again in 2025.

The object of the increased fines is to dissuade drivers from speeding in work zones. Unfortunately, some drivers will continue to speed, putting workers and people in other vehicles in jeopardy of injuries and death.

Work zone auto accidents can lead to inordinate challenges

People who were hurt in an auto accident will face a number of issues that need to be navigated. The same is true for those injured at work. When there is a combination, it is imperative to have guidance that understands how to proceed.

Medical expenses, lost time on the job, long-term care and the possibility that the person will never be able to do the same type of work they did before are all potential problems that will arise. Knowing how to pursue compensation for the accident and workers’ compensation for the work injuries is key. It is important to know the value of experienced advice in both areas.